rev. 15.07.98
Miniature Video Equipment
Sonys miniature video camera equipment is not available via the normal consumer products channel. It is sold via special distributors
for the industrial and OEM market. Compared to consumer products this equipement is very expensive.

The equipment you need consists of the camera body, lens, extension cable, junction box, power supply, a monitor/VCR combination.
With this equipment you have a functional, but not very useful system. To make the system field operable, you will need a
a water, dust, and dirt proof housing for at least the camera and an telescope to mount the camera on. The camera housing should
be as light as possible and the front of the housing should be easily removable, so that necessary adjustment on the lens can be made
quickly. Such a housing cannot be bought, it has to be made manually, exactly adapted to your camera module.
For the telescope you should look in a fishing shop, they offer excellent fishing rods which can be used for this purpose, after
you have removed the last elements which are too unstable for the desired purpose. We use a carbon fibre rod of originally 9 meter,
which has been shortened by the last two elements. This carbon fibre rod must not be used in the presence of powered electric wires or
in thunderstorms due to its electrical properties!
Now as we have the camera housing and the telescope, we have to join them. This is done via a little gearbox, again a part which you will
not find in any store, but you can buy all the necessary parts in an aircraft model shop. There you will also find the necessary servo drive
for the up-down camera movement control and a part thats called servo tester. By using the servo tester you can avoid the use of a complete
radio control system to control the servo drive and instead control it by wire.
If you want to use the telescope/camera system independent from your monitor/VCR system you will supplemantary need a little tv-low-power-transmitter
and the adequate receiver. The transmitter, servo tester electronic, servo control lever, and power supply may be mounted in a little control box, which may be clipped
to the telescope near its bottom. Camera housing and gearbox are mounted at the top of the telecope. Both units need now to be connected via a
light four-wire-cable inside the telescope.
Ingenieurbüro Frank Markmann
Gottfried-Blum-Weg 4
D-88639 Wald
Phone: +49-(0)-7578-933141
Fax: (on request)
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Fire Investigation in Germany /
/ revised 15.07.1998